Resolutions Review - March

In 2013...
1. Grow Spiritually
2. Stay Healthy
3. Live, Love, and Laugh Often
1. My Wednesday night bible study is still going strong, and it's great!  I'm really bad about doing the "homework" involved with it on a regular basis and/or before I get to the class.  Gonna try to get better at that this month.  I'm easily distracted by Netflix and Hulu though - specifically, Downton Abbey right now. LOL 
I have found out that Beth Moore is going to have one of her Living Proof conferences in the area on May 31 and June 1st.  I just put a cry out on facebook to see if anyone would be interested in tagging along to this with me.  I'm gonna go either way though! I need some conferences in my life this year to keep me spiritually focused - cause I go out of focus so frequently.
2. I ran two 5Ks last week during our winter break.  They weren't official races; I just went to the local park.  The weather was nice enough, and it felt good to run outside. 
I will be running a race (5K) at the end of this month.  It will be my first for the year - the kick off of my race season. I can't wait!
Anyway, I'm going to get back to logging my food on myfitnesspal. I had a few pounds creep back on that I need to chase back off ;-)
3. I'm looking forward to getting new family pictures made - hopefully some time this month.  Also, Michael and I are going to prom.  hehe  Actually, I have to chaperon the high school prom, so I'm gonna drag him with me.  It's fun watching the kids all dressed up - and getting cleaned up ourselves
Today, we went and had hibachi.  It was GREAT.  Beth loves trying to eat with chopsticks, and Hannah ate EVERYTHING she was served.  I especially love it when they throw the eggs up into their hats or make the fire onion.  Hannah freaked out over the fire just a bit, but then, she loved it too!
Today's forget-me-not: Spoil yourselves every once and awhile!  Go eat hibachi!

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