Moo've It

I promise you. I have been running. But I evidently haven't run a race since May. Happy to report though, that all changed yesterday. My running chicas and I ran the Chick-fil-A Moo've It 5K.

Ready to run!
This is a back-to-school favorite in our county primarily because the proceeds from the race are given back to the schools via our local education foundation and a school zone participation competition. A competition the zone I work in and which my children attend won!

I am the second person from the left. Go Cherokee Zone!
The race was packed with people, and one thing is certain: the Chick-fil-A 5K has outgrown this venue - a local park. When you've got individuals parking along side the road just to get into the park to race, you know you've got a problem.

Additionally, the race itself had a bit of a hiccup. Before crossing over a bridge to continue running the 5K, there is a loop that needs to be completed. Sadly though, the front runners of the race had a hard time completing that loop because they ran into the other half of the race's runners still trying to complete the loop before they could cross the bridge. I can only imagine that traffic jam was a huge frustration to them.

Also, something went wrong with the chip timing on the bibs which may have been due to the massive amount of people that attempted to run that day. I know this for a couple reasons including the fact that they announced me as a third place winner in my age group with a race time of 25 minutes when in reality my time was just under 45 minutes that day.

OMG! I do not deserve this!
Despite the chaos, it was a good run for a good cause. The August heat is a good reason to not run this race again. However, the atmosphere is one of support for our public school system, and that uplifting spirit is a big reason for this teacher to consider running it again - as I did two years ago.

I am going to try to run at least one race each month going forward. I don't have any definite running goals as of right now other than just run. Well, run, and enjoy running.

Running is a gift too few know the pleasure of unwrapping.

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