T-Minus 8 Days and Counting

Including today, I have 8 days of summer left.  Teachers report back to work on July 25th. 

I have mixed emotions about this - which surprises me!  Usually, I'm ready to go back - GAME! ON!  However, this year, I think the reason I'm hesitant to jump back into my mission field is because of all the stress that comes along with that part of my life.  Sad thing is, it really doesn't have to be that way...

Teachers have so much working against them lately.  I mean, I always knew I would be underpaid, under appreciated, and overworked, but last year, it just got ridiculous! 

Underpaid now means 8 furlough days and no pay step increase until January instead of August. 

Under appreciated thankfully changed somewhat this last year; although, I kinda had to stand up for myself unexpectedly (long story, not for a blog).  Anyway, respect is hard to come by from fellow employees, parents, and society in general these days.

Then there's overworked... *sigh*  This is what makes me pause the most about coming back into the classroom in 8 days.  There's just sooo much to do! And now thanks to Obama's Race to the Top, there's even more reading and writing requirements to push at these kids!  It's overwhelming to think about it.

Then there's a part of me that is looking forward to the routine of working, the fun of teaching and of being with high school students - yes, I do love it!  I do love coaching speech and debate too.  There's a lot of work to be done with that, but it is very rewarding!

I just need to get myself ready.  I need a new focus - a new vision - for this upcoming year, and the only way I'm going to get that is to get back into my quiet time.  Starting tomorrow, it's a 6am wake up call for me and my bible - despite the fact that the kids have been sleeping in until past 7am.  Doesn't matter, I'm getting up early to spend time with my Jesus.  He'll get me where I need to be before  go back to what He has called me to!  Now, THAT is exciting and something to look forward to!

(((hugz to all)))

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