Resolutions Review - July

In 2013...
1. Lean on Him
2. Stay Healthy
3. Live, Love, and Laugh Often
Hello July!  Month of my birth, month of the birth of my rainbow, and month of my first 10k run!!!
Unfortunately, this is also the month when I return back to work and when I found out there was something wrong with Angel (on my birthday).  But, those topics are for other posts!
So now on to what this post is supposed to be about - reviewing my progress on my new year's resolutions!
1. Lean on Him - This is better.  :-)  I'm learning to trust Him more - for everything. And when you trust God for the details of your life, it is such a stress reliever!
I also found this awesome Bible app with short devotionals that I now start my day with.  Lovin it!  I've found that if I deliberately start my day in His word - no matter for how long - my outlook on the day dramatically improves!!  Try it. You'll like it ;-)
2. Stay Healthy - My training for my first 10k is complete.  It's now or never.  Well, it's actually July 4th.  Pics and update on how that goes will be this week.
3. Live, Love, and Laugh Often - VBS was last week.  Wow, that was FUN! It was also exhausting, but it was definitely living, loving, and laughing. Love me some VBS! 
Anyway, life is good. How about you?
Today's forget-me-not: Matthew 11:28  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

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