What does spending time with Jesus look like?

For much of my Christian life (a total of twenty years this July), I have beat myself up - metaphorically speaking - over my inability to have a consistent quiet time with God.

I have tried to establish my quiet time in the morning right when I wake up; I have tried to have it right before I go to bed. For many reasons, neither time has proven to foster a regular devotional time with my Savior.

Now when I say "quiet time with God," I am talking about a designated time where it is just me, my bible, and my Jesus.  You might not think that should be so hard; however, for this busy working mom of two children, finding time for a "quiet" time has eluded me!  ;-)

But lately, God is showing me that time spent with Him can - and should - look like many different things!  In other words, I've been too narrow in constructing my definition of what consists of quality time with Jesus.

Now, don't get me wrong.  You can - and should - make time to be alone with God, reading your bible and praying for an undefined amount of time, but you shouldn't limit your time with God to moments like these.  Moments that, for some, can oftentimes be hard to come by and cause major self-esteem issues when day after day you fail to attain them! #me

Thankfully, God has lead me to a verse from His Word I have read a million times, but for whatever reason, now speaks to me a different truth upon reading it.  God knew I desperately needed to hear this at the start of 2015:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Do you see it?  These verses encourage the believer to have an ongoing relationship with Jesus, 24/7, so time spent with God should not be limited to a scheduled moment in solitude with the Savior because He doesn't mean for us to only communicate with Him to meet a daily appointment. Spending time with Jesus looks like many things because our minutes are filled with many different moments, and He wants to be a part of each one.

So if we are living the message found in 1 Thessalonians 5, some days may have moments where we are able to have a scheduled "quiet time" with God while others may not, but always, we should be in direct communication with our Lord.

So, time spent with Jesus can look like many things!

It looks like a person intently listening... to a song that elevates the Lord Jesus, all the while a slight smile on her face as her soul worships her Savior.

It looks like a runner with eyes fixed on the horizon... and all the while having an internal conversation with God about the day ahead or behind.

It looks like someone staring at her phone... and scrolling through BibleGateway or The Bible App and drinking in God's living Word while listening to what He has to say to her that day.

It looks like a person standing still and peering into a forest or gazing up into the sky - for just a minute or two...  in a spirit of thanksgiving to her Creator.

It's looks like a writer - or blogger - sitting at her computer and typing... all that God has shown her that day while listening to Him for direction and inspiration.

Jesus wants all these moments and more! Isn't that beautiful?!

Let me leave you with something my Pastor shared with us a few Sundays ago...

Revelation 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and he with Me."

This verse is typically used as an evangelistic tool to draw non-believers into a relationship with Jesus; however, in context, the verse is really a call to Christians.  Re-read it again; this time with YOU in mind.

Do you hear Him?  He's knocking.  Let's throw open every "door" we have and invite in Jesus.

What are some areas of your life where you can make space for Jesus?

Today's forget-me-not: Jesus wants to spend time with you - all the time. Share your every waking moment with Him - and then some.
1 Chronicles 16:11 Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.

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