Turn Your Eyes

Where has Jamie been? Is she still running? Did Covid-19 get her?

All great questions.

Where has Jamie been? Well, I have been distracted. Before Covid-19 came on the scene in March, 2020 hit us with some serious punches. In January, my youngest (Hannah) was diagnosed with type one diabetes (an autoimmune disease that has made her insulin dependent for life), and in February, my husband battled with C. diff (a nasty bacteria that causes inflammation of the colon). Those two months were filled with a pediatric ICU stay, multiple ER visits, and a multitude of trips to doctors of varying specialties. 

Then March 13, 2020, the United States went on lockdown, and we all entered a new reality permeated by Covid-19.

For us, the lockdown was somewhat of a blessing. It provided us the time we needed to begin healing from the wounds we incurred in January and February. We, our entire family, had time to wrap our heads around Hannah's diagnosis and learn how to manage it. My husband could work from home and give his body the time and attention it needed to heal. And I got the time I needed to begin to process all we had just endured, and would continue to endure.

So, that is where Jamie has been. Distracted. By a lot.

Am I still running? Yes! I have been running (or walking) when I can get it in. No races to report because Covid-19 shut down most of those for awhile, but I have signed up for The Virtual Hot Chocolate 5K for February 7th. 

I need to make running more of a priority in 2021. Since 2012, the year I started running, it has provided me multiple opportunities to work through all that life has thrown at me. And I could use more of that right now!

My family has, thus far, successfully evaded the virus that is Covid-19. At least, we think that is the case. Physically, aside from the drama of January and February, we have been healthy - praise God!

Emotionally? Spiritually? Well, as many can report, Covid-19 has taken a toll.

And yet, I can rejoice.

Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

You may ask, how?! And I would answer, well, Philippians 4:5b "The Lord is near!"

He is near. And He is in control of all things. God is orchestrating moments. He is moving. And that is something to rejoice about.

My prayer, of late, is best articulated by Matt Chandler in his book To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain:

"Lord, I don't understand what You're doing, and I don't know how things are going to work out. But help me to acknowledge that if I have You, I have everything... 'Though he slay me, I will hope in him' (Job 13:15) - and Jehosephat's - 'We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you' (2 Chron. 20:12)."

My eyes are on Him.

Now, I get distracted, no lie! My emotions can steer me all over the place. 

But then I return to prayer: Holy Spirit, help me keep my eyes on Jesus. My hope. My everything.

It is in those moments, I think I see Him moving. He is moving me. And my family. Preparing us for big changes.

I'm not sure what 2021 has in store for us, but whatever it is, I'm excited for it. 

Are your eyes on Jesus? Are you running in the right direction?

Turn you eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace

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